Eda’s Pizzeria tips on how to best reheat your pizza

There are many way to reheat pizza created by people a whole lot more knowledgeable than us, but here are our favorite recommendations. We also won’t judge you eating a cold slice (or 2) while you wait for the others to finish…

Just a Few Slices? Here’s our favorite way of all the methods we tried.

Use a pan on the stove: Cold non-stick pan, drop the slice(s) in the pan and heat on medium/low. Once the bottom starts to crisp up (1-2 min), add a couple drops of water next to the slice, then cover with a lid so it steams and melts the cheese (1ish minutes). Careful not to burn the bottom. Eat (ideally without burning the roof of your mouth.)

Lots of Pizza? Also a good option and a lot more traditional, but it also takes longer.

Use an oven: Preheat the oven to 375°F, place the pizza on a baking sheet, and bake it for 10-15 minutes until the cheese is melted and the crust is crispy.

Thanks for letting us be a part of your pizza plans & we hope to see you again soon.

XOXO, Eda’s